Monday, July 18, 2011

Snickerdoodle Cupcakes

I absolutely LOVE making (and of course eating) Snickerdoodles! Whenever I make them I get the usual strange look from people followed by the question "What's a Snickerdoodle?". My general response and pretty much the only way I can describe them is alway "they're like a cinnamon donut but a cookie!" Now you can't tell me that, that alone doesn't tempt you to try them!

But of course this post isn't about the Snickerdoodle cookies, this time I decided to try Snickerdoodle Cupcakes!! The only recipes I could find though were American recipes, which all called for cake flour and you can't get that here (not that I could find anyway, please someone try prove me wrong!). I did find out that you can make a substitute using plain flour and custard powder but I wasn't too sure about that idea. So I just made my usual Fluffy Vanilla Cupcakes recipe and tweaked it to make them Snickerdoodle Cupcakes. And by golly I think I got it!

I can tell you now that if they taste nothing like the American version I don't really care! Because they seriously taste AMAZING! Plus the batch somehow made around 40 cupcakes (all of which besides 4 are now gone, not bad for 1 day!).

Anyway here's a look at how they turned out *insert drooling here*

Sticky Date Cupcakes with Caramel Sauce

I recently stumbled upon a recipe for Sticky Date Cupcakes and decided to give them a go, even though I don't like sticky date! My mum and my fiancee both love sticky date so I thought I would try it out for them :)

The recipe I found didn't sound quite right to me so I tweaked it a little bit and made a different topping (the caramel sauce). I don't know how they tasted but the reactions from everyone when they tasted them was fantastic, so I'm guessing they tasted alright haha.

Here's how they turned out!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Rocky Road & Red Velvet Cupcakes!

The first new batch of baking goods I will be sharing with you is my Rocky Road! (I know you don't technically bake it). For Christmas last year I put together some presents for my friends including rocky road, white chocolate almond biscotti, christmas cookies and honeycomb, all of which I made :) Ever since then my friend Jeni has been asking me to make her more rocky road as she loved it! So just this past weekend I finally got around to making her some more and of course my fiancee had to steal a bit too. I didn't have my DSLR on me so all the photos for this post are from my iPhone, still fairly good quality if you ask me :)

My Instagram shot!

Now I'll share with you the Red Velvet Cupcakes that my friend Ash (from Fozzie Food) and I made today! We were discussing a few days ago how we had heard of Red Velvet Cupcakes and always wanted to make them, but for some reason never actually had! I think the fact that they're RED and contain vinegar kind of puts you off. However, we finally made them today, with cream cheese frosting, and they taste AMAZING! If you haven't tried them already I highly recommend you do so!

Anyway here they are...

They were sooooo yummy!!!