I absolutely LOVE making (and of course eating) Snickerdoodles! Whenever I make them I get the usual strange look from people followed by the question "What's a Snickerdoodle?". My general response and pretty much the only way I can describe them is alway "they're like a cinnamon donut but a cookie!" Now you can't tell me that, that alone doesn't tempt you to try them!
But of course this post isn't about the Snickerdoodle cookies, this time I decided to try Snickerdoodle Cupcakes!! The only recipes I could find though were American recipes, which all called for cake flour and you can't get that here (not that I could find anyway, please someone try prove me wrong!). I did find out that you can make a substitute using plain flour and custard powder but I wasn't too sure about that idea. So I just made my usual Fluffy Vanilla Cupcakes recipe and tweaked it to make them Snickerdoodle Cupcakes. And by golly I think I got it!
I can tell you now that if they taste nothing like the American version I don't really care! Because they seriously taste AMAZING! Plus the batch somehow made around 40 cupcakes (all of which besides 4 are now gone, not bad for 1 day!).
Anyway here's a look at how they turned out *insert drooling here*